Sunday, October 29, 2017

Franciscan Ecology and the responsibility of his Sons Today

World was divided into two. God's world was spiritual world. Man's world was material world. In Christianity God breaks Himself to save the World. We must preserve and take care of the world that is assigned duty of each one of us. God is present everywhere. Universe itself is sacramental because it is filled with God's presence. Many tribals follow pantheism because they say God is in everything but we do not followed this teaching because we have Monotheism. We must realize ourselves that God manifests himself in the nature. In history nature is considered as God's book. Many have contemplated on the creation of God. If we want to have the message of God then we need to go to Nature. Woods and nature will teach u what u won't learn from master says St. Bernard. When I struggled in prayer it is in contemplation of nature brought me back to God says, 'Teresa of Avila. Noah's ark was natural wonder. Man was asked by God to till the ground and keep it but he wanted to be just master of everything. -Man was given the dominion over the earth-Man can't be the Master of all for all time.

 Though man became the crown of earth so also he became curse of creation. Placing Man at the centre of the universe and placing God out of the universe was the biggest mistake. Now world is no longer garden but just a simple place and no more he can dominate the creation and now creation is giving it back to man. There is also division of subject and object. Man makes this division for his gain, he wants to control everything. Everything is given the Base of science and therefore the beauty of creation is lost. All the creation has mechanical terms exa: water has become H2o. On the basis of sickness also we have divisions mental sickness and physical sickness. Now world works with the mechanical laws. The image of the earth was Mother. But now we don't have that ecological attitude towards earth therefore we are destroying it. Our attitude is changed therefore we do not consider creation as God's creation.

Attitude of Jesus. At his death there was reaction from the Earth. Jesus was not away from creation, he used wine and branches as examples to teach his listeners. Christ was cosmic and he cared for nature. Christ fills the entire universe with his power. He is the image of the unseen God and first born of the Creation.

Francis and Nature. Love the nature and protect the nature. Francis prayed with nature and prayed for nature. Ecology is just not about the nature but it is also about the Human Beings. Mahatma Gandhi says, "Live simply so that others may simply live". Even our constitution tells us to care for the creation. We need a deep change in our attitude. Even Pope Francis speaks about shame issue. World is nothing but the part of my life, this should be our attitude. Eco means home and we all need to understand it that we need each and everything to survive. (Talk from Retreat Preacher Fr. Shilendra)

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