Monday, October 10, 2016

No Regrets No Complaints!!!!!!!!!Life is Beautiful and Wonderful.......

The Lord has blessed me in my 55 years of life. I have seen many sunny and brighter sides in life which also had some ups and downs. But when I now look back all those negative moments were stepping-stones for me. But I cannot regret or complain for the graces and blessings I have had in my life. I realised that the more you give yourself to the Lord, the more he gives you back in the form of blessings and good things in life like good Friars, friends and family members. I have never regretted for the vocation that I have received to be a Capuchin Franciscan and I would neither complain about the choice that I have made. Why live in regrets when you are filled with graces and good things are all around you. God makes himself present through so many good people in your life. A good fraternity is where you experience the Love of God every moment when a friar smiles and enquires about your health and life. Once you are convinced of Gods concern for you then you build up relationships with him and the brothers who live you. What we need is to have an honest encounter and dialogue with those whom we live and work. Are we open to an honest encounter with this love for us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation where our sins are wiped away by the blood of Jesus and a deeper awareness of divine love floods our souls? Are we open to this divine love by receiving His words to us in faith and letting these words shape our actions so that we respond appropriately to His love? Do we let teachings of the Church shape our moral response to God’s love in this age of moral relativism?.

The God who loves us so much is with us and He never ceases to act so as to give us life. Jesus Himself who died for us and rose from the dead has won for us the grace also to respond to this divine love. In this Eucharistic sacrifice, Jesus perpetuates His loving action to us in the words of consecration, “This is my body… This is my blood given up for you so that sins may be forgiven.” Divine love in action never ceases to draw us to Himself no matter the pains of the present or the sins of the past. It is not His will that we live in regret in this life or in the life to come, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly,… It is not the will of my heavenly father that one of these be lost(Jn 10:10; Mt 18:14) With the grace and love of this sacrament, let us strive to respond to divine love in action that is in accordance with His will and we will have the truth that sets us free from all regrets – the truth that there is no thing or person that we cannot live with but we just cannot live without God

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