Friday, January 29, 2016

Mercy brings about a spiritual storm in our lives

Isn't that true. Loving mercy and compassion shown to those in trouble and sin. There is a strong storm that puts everything upside down. The spiritual waves are there to show us a new way and path to walk towards the Lord of Love. The spiritual storm of Mercy, forgiveness and compassion brings hope and joy into ones life. The storm has a great hold over ones life which does not allow him to go back to the old state of life. All human storms or crises leave us helpless but spiritual storm leaves us happy and transformed.....we begin to see and experience things in a new way and perspectives. When we go through physical storms in life like, suffering, financial crisis, loss of beloved one and misunderstanding with loved ones. don't lose hope because spiritual storm brings about mercy and understanding. We just have to allow ourselves to be touched by this storm. The Mercy of the Lord drives us to experience a new world and society, see the same people in a new way. The old things does not matter at all. The old and past hurts are not there when we experience the spiritual storm of Mercy and compassion. The spiritual storm allows us to grow in faith and hope.

In the storm of our life today, where we are indeed lost, we can turn to the Lord who has the power to calm the storm, to quiet the wind.   This Gospel consoles us, invites us to believe that fear can be overcome with faith.   Faith is not merely a magic pill we take when we need it, but rather it is an experience, an encounter with the Lord built throughout the years, over time, over many storms. 

Our lives are dynamic, changing and transforming, and our faith accompanying it, needs also nourishment and spiritual food to help our faith grow.  Do we speak to the Lord regularly in prayer?   Do we partake of the sacraments for spiritual food in a constant fashion for our spiritual growth?  This prepares us for the “storms” of our lives.

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