Monday, November 2, 2015

Br. Pio Mura - Our Manner of working: in the light of some order Documents from 1968 to the Present

The question of work in our history has often been almost overshadowed by our life in poverty. work is seen as a kind of complementary add-on to the living in poverty. Francis history is an ongoing record of life being modeled and remodeled by reference  to Lady poverty. Ever since the constitutions of 1968 our concept of work has moved forward apace. work has been more and more viewed as a constitutive element of our relationship with poverty.
Chapter of 1536 said that the friars were to live on the work of their hands or else adopt begging as a means of support.
Constitutions of 1536 is union with God, the search for union with God is the first work of the brothers. no other work, intellectual or manual, must hinder it.

following St. Francis' exhortation, before turning to begging he earns his own living and that of his fraternity. The XIX century was a watershed. technological progress, the industrial revolution. marxist material philosophy, combined to effect profound changes in society. the suppression of the religious Orders, the growth of the missions and the support of missionaries, and the need for provinces to provide for the needs of formation, also changed the friars' relationship to work and the economy. the friars would soon turn to other sources of revenue. recourses to generous donors, the acceptance of parish work and acceptance of payment for their work, adaptation to the new reality.
The Constitutions of 1968: The popes had raised awareness of the destitution caused by the industrial revolution and called for a new social order based on justice and charity.
Lazzaro Iriarte: work is the fundamental source from which we draw what we need for our substance. it is a concrete way of being inserted into society as lesser brothers. according to Francis, work besides manual labour, includes any activity that is exercised honestly which does not extinguished the spirit of holy prayer and devotion.
a)Theological and practical aspects of the constitutions of 1968:God the Father, who is always at work...calls upon, Jesus has conferred upon work a new dignity, Francis viewed work as a participation in human condition
b)The necessity and importance of work: it is fundamental means of support and exercise of charity, work is an expression of the entire fraternity
c) criteria by which to make choices: activities that are in harmony with the life of the brothers., services and ministries should be compatible with fraternal life and necessities of church and people, ministries that clearly manifest poverty, humility and brotherhood, care to preserve the communal character of form of life.
d) the fruits of work: payment of friars work belongs to the fraternity. work of friars not to be valued on basis of payment received for it, 
e) other points for attention: constitutions of 1968 gives priority to the apostolic dimension of our activities, brothers engaged in outside employment must remain in close communion among themselves and with the other brothers., work as one of the constitutive elements of formation, work in formation helps the brothers to strengthen one another in their calling and fosters the harmony of fraternal life...

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