Saturday, October 24, 2015

VIII Plenary Council of the Order - The Grace of Working. Let us pray for the success of PCO

The great event of the Order begins tomorrow. The delegates are already arriving from various parts of the World. the stage is set and everyone is ready to make this event a successful one. The General council will proceed this evening to the International College Rome where the PCO will be celebrated. 
The Holy Constitutions clearly indicate the purpose of the Plenary Council. Let us all pray that this PCO will go on well and bring about some concrete suggestions and recommendations for the entire order....hope this PCO redefines the very meaning and significance of work for us Capuchins...

1The purpose of the plenary council of the Order is to express the vital link between the entire brotherhood and its central government, to promote an awareness of the co-responsibility and cooperation of all the brothers, and to foster the Order’s unity and communion in diversity.
2The plenary council is a forum for reflection and consultation, which examines questions of particular importance and offers its own collaboration in the governance of the Order, in the formation of the brothers, and in their apostolic mission for the growth of the Order and its renewal in accordance with the times.
3The general minister with the consent of his council may convoke a plenary council, which shall be conducted according to the procedures approved by the general minister with the consent of his councillors.
4The members of the plenary council are: the general minister, the general councillors and delegates of the conferences of major superiors, with a certain proportional representation established by the general minister with the consent of his council.
5 Each conference determines the manner of choosing the delegates from among its own circumscriptions. Delegates need not necessarily be chosen from among the ministers of the conference itself.
6 The general minister with the consent of his council may confirm the conclusions of the plenary council, communicate them to all the brothers at an opportune time, and draw from them practical guidelines for the Order.

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