Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Human activity in the Anthropocene Era...From alienation to Generation by Mauro Magatti

He is a well known sociologist and works in the university here....he is coming second time to address us....he was with us last year for the chapter of mats in Fatima...
more and more one speaks of the anthropocene era to indicate the historical phase, beginning with the industrial revolution, characterized by the growing capacity of direct intervention on the planet by humanity.
in the anthropocene era, the human being thanks to a striking series of success and the progressive creation of a techno-economic system organized and integrated on a planetary scale is ever more able to intervene in natural and biological processes
the notion of work seems clear. in reality, saying something about what the human being does opens very complex questions right away.
labor is linked originally to the needs of reproduction, to all that the human being had to do to survive. it is aimed more at reproduction that at work as we usually understand it...its organization depends on the social life.
work has something rather to do with production. in the course of time, work in as much as it becomes more rare because it comes to be absorbed within the techno-economic system, undergoes the destiny of alienation of which marx speaks
Action and activity that is more noble in the sense that it is carried out by people free from reproduction and that it goes beyond the materiality of the work. it indicates the work of the one who dedicates himself to the important things.

The victory of society reduces action to mere behavior. it is the victory of conformism.
The crisis of work in advanced society is thus explained. work is in short supply, young people struggle to enter the labor market, work is ever more performative and stressful, it comes to be substituted by machines that dictate their own rhythm. The problem is that we no longer succeed in using fully the full spectrum of the human capacity to organize life as a whole
In this sense it is fundamental here to make reference to the encyclical Laudato is, in which Francis proposes anew an integral conception of life and of the human person. In order to live and continue to progress in the era of the Anthropocene there is needed a human being adequate to the moment. Because there is before us the possibility of destroying life, and with it all of humanity.
Pope : the human person which we need is not a superman. not will a super intelligence get us out of trouble. what will save us is rather, says pope francis, the human person who does not forget that he is rooted in life. and therefor able to listen.
The point is that contemporary individualism, ever more radical, insists on affirming the self as an absolute and isolated entity.
The human being is constitutively in relationship by the simple fact that no one can give life and nor can anyone exist to the exclusion of what surrounds him.
whatever he is, the human being enters into a life that existed before him and will continue beyond him.
Because only recognizing his constitutive rationality, the human being can arrive at understanding that the conditions of liberty that characterize him do not erase, but rather exalt his responsibility - that is his being in relationship-with respect to what is around him
Think of the economic system. if the relationship with the other and with the environment is systematically negated, the consequences cannot be other than that those we have known in these years: inequality, unemployment, growing destruction of the environment. 
The human being is not sovereign over reality. our freedom is not absolute because the human being is not absolute.
Every liberation implies an obligation.
Modern freedom is built, according to H. Arendt, on a double killing: that of God the father and that of Mother earth.

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