Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Get Up". The Girl is sleeping and not dead!

Today's Gospeal speaks to us directly saying that in the face of illness and death, all the differences are reduced. We all feel the same: rich and poor, powerful and mean , Jews and pagans. This is the experience that makes the two characters of today's Gospel . Jairus , the synagogue's ruler , he sees his daughter dying without being able to do anything. The pagan woman , who suffers from bleeding, despite spending all her property , has no improvement. The loss of health , the death of a loved one confront us with our impotence, our smallness , our limitations . Lucky , then, those who realize that they are simply "creatures " who are in need of their Creator .

Jairus and the woman  knows it. They turn to Jesus and seek him , each in his own way , they make a gesture full of humility. The ruler of the synagogue falls at the feet of the Master , the woman is content to lightly touch His cloak,  ​​dress. In both cases , the Lord touched by their trust wants to confirm this belief . " Who touched me? " Jesus asks the woman, who might well have preferred to remain in the anonymity of the crowd shows up, throws herself at his feet , "Your faith has saved you ." And Jairus , who suddenly learns that his daughter has just died , he says: "
 The child is not dead but asleep ." The Lord is not content to be gentle with two desperate people , and he wants so much more. He wants their faith in him , the savior of the world. Both have to believe, have faith in the midst of indifference and unbelief. They must believe. Because the disciples themselves do not understand why Jesus can be "touched" in a different way . And the crowd mocks the Lord when he says that the baby is sleeping.The moments of suffering and pain can become moments of grace . They take us away from our false certainties , from too great confidence in ourselves and in our human resources . They remind us of our condition as creatures of God's children, to the redeemed. They can awaken our faith and our trust . They help us not only to try to snatch a healing from the Lord.

In this sense, ' "get up " of Christ to the little daughter of Jairus is an invitation to go beyond the simple fact of the miracle that takes place in her. This "stand up " is addressed to us.

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