Sunday, January 5, 2014

Feast of Epiphany

This is an article written by Mario Barbieri in Italian, I have translated it in English with the help of google translator. 
Happy Feast.
We all know well the meaning of Feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany : manifestation , appearance , coming, divine presence. We know the meaning of reaching of the Magi, the wise men guided , but I would say illuminated by the star. Their gifts to Jesus : gold (a tribute to His kingship ) , frankincense (a tribute to His divinity ) and myrrh (anticipation of His future redemptive suffering ) . And along with the gifts , worship , adoration to God Child , admiration and awe for the manifestation of God ... a god who in the end, they remain partially unknown and mysterious.
There are many others, the " epiphanies " that God gives . Why , even as we remember and celebrate Epiphany this mainly , of epiphany in Scripture we can speak in many other episodes : one of the Burning Bush , one of the Red Sea (which also already a symbol of Easter ), but also that of the Baptism of Jesus Jordan, as well as the Miracle of the Wedding at Canaan .
Taken together, these epiphanies and the fact that the Magi , coming from afar, meet a Child and His Family, in circumstances not fully unveil the mystery of their Incarnate God , make me think of our working epiphanies ... or rather , the epiphanies that God gives to our lives. Epiphanies that we sometimes see " spectators " or as the Magi , " worshipers " . Epiphanies in which God reveals himself to us as in the Burning Bush , calls us , it shows , challenges us , or we " drag " across the Red Sea , with serious and concrete facts . Epiphanies in which Christ shows us, with the miracle of physical or moral , by His mercy , with his presence ... and we could also think about the epiphany of the Eucharist.
Then , God willing , there are epiphanies that we protagonists , or rather, tools and " unworthy servants " evangelical talking about ... those epiphanies where God chooses to show to others, through our poor people, because poor and limited , become the sign of the Work of God, because anyone who understands that " this work " cannot come to us.
Every time that God grants us the gift of witness with concrete action , not so much in words, acceptance of the disease, the test of the cross. In the capacity of forgiveness, acceptance of persecution, calumny , injustice and insecurity. Every time we make good to bad , when we do not own justice . Every time our act testifies that Death has been defeated, that our goods are not here on this earth (where moth and rust consume them ) , that REALLY God is our God, and to Him we are children .

On all these occasions are epiphany , epiphany for this world , for those around us , who may not understand completely the nature , the mystery of this God , this God made man who chose to show up in our small daily lives. Yet it is visible, because it shows that we are not , that what happens is beyond our feeble strength , our sin , our limited intelligence . And so our working magi , our loved ones , our colleagues , our neighbors, strangers , followed by a light, a star , a reminder of their hearts, to get to the cave , to a humble place , the humble abode of our lives .
Personally I have seen working magi , bearing gifts ... bring gifts of gratitude and appreciation, bring what they had to return more valuable and praising God
Because there, in that history , in that person , in that family , has become Epiphany .

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