Friday, November 27, 2020

Beware, Watchful and Vigilant!!!!!!!!!!!

Most of us take our sinful life for granted or we don’t care. It is because sin does not sin anymore, people don’t explain to us the meaning and effects of sin. Some of our actions have become very normal or they are just performed without any feeling and emotion. We need to be on guard and beware of some of the actions, words, behaviors, and deeds. These behaviors and actions can seriously cause a lot of damage to our emotional and spiritual life. There are certain behaviors in our society like drinking, anxiety which are taken lightly and we do them or go through it without any kind of commitment. These behaviors sometimes bring in a lot of negativity and they are not supported in our relationships with others. Sometimes these behaviors dry up our spiritual and prayer life, thus making us people who are not connected with spiritual reality. The consequences of our negative actions and behaviors are felt by us and have a negative impact on others too. We must be careful and grow in our faith, prayer, and spiritual life.  

Not being careful, watchful, and vigilant, we experience many negative forces and energies working within us and we are not able to achieve the goals and missions we would like to accomplish. The encounters which we ought to have with ourselves, others, and God, are not happening due to a lack of spiritual energy which gets drained out due to negative force’s operative within us. Any relationship needs carefulness, watchfulness, and vigilance in order to grow and to deepen. To grow in our interior and spiritual life, we have to work on some of the behaviors which could work against and bring us to a state of hopelessness and feeling of uselessness. The busy life of ours can make us ignore this negative signal of our behavior and it gets aggravated if there is not sufficient communion with God. We give up easily our spiritual and prayer life because interior life is dry and does not really give us a sense of purpose.

When we are not watchful, vigilant and beware many aspects of our spiritual and human lives lose shine and chin, force and energy, less focussed and slowed down, many things, taste likes, habits lose glean and shine. We need to remind ourselves to examine these aspects in order to revitalize and revive our lives for a better future. If not then we will be overburdened and weighed with many negative forces like overindulgences in passing and temporal things of the world, pleasure, money, wealth, using money and power, authority in a wrong and foolish way. When we are not watchful, vigilant and beware, our enthusiasm for life, fall into monotony in performing things, lose interest and vitality, sense of morality so we begin to fall into negative behaviors, get drained out of our spiritual energy and vigor and then slowly we begin to experience life worthless.

Let this Advent to be a time to regain our lost vigor and spirit, fervor and zeal, time to renew our relationship with God, others, and ourselves. It is a time to challenge ourselves to walk with Jesus who walked with us on the earth, time to open our hearts, minds, and souls to the word of God with zest and interest. Let Jesus fill us with His spirit and passion to live our lives worthily, spending lives for others and for Him alone. 

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