Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Second Day of the Retreat!!!!!!!

·      Among the list of saints…classified in three groups….Dominic and Teresa and Francis de Sales….no serious conversion stories… Teresa of Avila….there is conversion after call…Augustine and Francis needed conversion….saints give us an opening….different ways to aspire for sainthood…Teresa of Avila could give us help as she was tepid….Mother expired at young age so she accepted Mother Mary as her own mother…there were two groups of sisters high and low…not exemplary…..early life she was very serious….later tepid….at age of 40 she was given a special grace to reflect on the passion of Christ….experienced spiritual matrimony and mystical marriage….something more much we can achieve in spiritual lives….
·      There are pitfalls… is because of carelessness about sins…no distinction between  sins…2Tim 4: 3…for time is coming when people will not put on sound doctrines…people will turn away to listening to sound truth….she said confessors took sins very lightly…venial and mortal sins no distinction…..took sins lightly…to causal about sins…
·      Ex: today no one comes to sin because we donot accept our sins….teachers who are suitable to their needs
·      Rom 1: truth is know to all from nature…what is to be done and avoided…..give up to unholy practices….in us there is innate portion by Holy spirit what is right and wrong…carelessness about sin…
·      Deliberate sins and non-deliberate….deliberately we choose….to commit venial sins…it's a serious matter

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