Saturday, July 27, 2019

Prayer - A successful Key to Happy and Peaceful Life!!!!!!!!

Every Human being has a deep and solid longing and desire to get connected to the Creator ..In catechism we learnt that our human goal and mission is to Know, love and serve we grow this teaching reminds us as we journey in life...this longing never dies...the hunger and thirst grows day by day....there is nothing that prayer cannot solve...many great men and women have proved and shown in their lives that prayer is a key that can unlock anything...but it requires deed faith and solid relationship with God. 
 A peaceful and serene man is a man of prayer...he does not get angry or upset over small things...he is composed because he communicates and dialogues with the Lord...any big or small problems does not disturb him because his prayer connection gives him grace to handle all the things in life. All of us carry a longing to know God and enter into a relationship with him. Those who live a deep relationship with God attract us by the peace and serenity of their lives. They know they are loved, and they can handle the difficulties of life with joy and serenity. The disciples see how deeply and spontaneously Christ talks with the Father, and they realize they are far from that; so they ask Christ to teach them to pray. We, too, learn from Christ how to enter into a relationship of love with the Father. He teaches us to put our trust totally in the Father’s love.
 The Nature invites us into a deep silence ....silence brings us the presence of God
 Everything in creation speaks of leads us to dialogue with the creator
 The trees, birds and rivers invite us to speak in deep silence to Him
 Francis of Assisi spoke and experienced God's presence in everything that he saw and felt
 The serve and scenic beauty lifts our heart and soul in gratitude to the Lord....Our hearts cry out Abba father....
 Hills and Mountains praise the Lord....
 All the peoples young and old, rich and poor praise and worship God for what he gives...He says ask and you shall receive
 Seek and you shall find.....knock and the doors will be opened....

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