Thursday, July 25, 2019

Happy Feast to All Grandparents!!!!!!!

Today all over the Catholic we remember, pray and honor our Grandparents as we celebrate the Feast of Sts. Joachim and Ann, the Parents of Mary and Grandparents of Jesus.....Without the grandparents our lives are empty....we grow without them...then life is empty and no meaning....they are source of wisdom and knowledge....they pass on traditions and beliefs to us....they told us all stories about God, saints and even bad people so that we may not take their path but walk on the path of Saints...
 Morning Eucharist with the Adoration Monastery sisters.....
 Spoke about the importance of Grandparents and asked them to recall to mind our own and prayed for them
 The word God being proclaimed

 The beauty of Kotagiri enchants you....takes you to the realm of Heavens...
 The lush green tea gardens.....

 The roads are empty....its morning time...I am having a stroll ....
 Green tea lovers can come here.....
 Lovely small houses....beautified ones....
 Its cold...windy....drizzling ...protecting myself.....
 Let us pray for the sisters....they are 20 of them....vocations are not and support is always welcome....

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