Wednesday, January 30, 2019

What makes us different from others?

Today there is a craze to be different from the others in order to prove us. We are out to prove that we are smart, intelligent, beautiful and handsome than the others. We will go to any extent to show to the world that we are totally different in many senses, like education, culture or our rich environment. In doing so sometimes we belittle and downgrade others who are good or better than us but in a craze and desire to drive home a message which is negative that we are the best sometimes break our relationship and we go away from one another. 

 It is not our education, wealth and status that makes different from others, I believe it is our positive attitude and behaviour towards others to accept and recognize them as equal to us. It is not look down upon them because they don’t match up to our standards but to help them to come to those standards if possible. It is in extending our valuable help and sharing our knowledge with those who are not like us can really give us the worth and sense of being Human and children of God. 

 What will make us different from others is to look and see others as we would like others to see and accept us. It is in appreciating and encouraging others could make us different. It is not wearing branded clothes, shoes, perfumes etc would make us different from others. It is temporary and short lived. People may remembers us for that moment. But it does not make us different or heavenly but definitely our love, charity, compassion and understanding towards others would make us different.

 Our negative attitude and throwing our weight in the air could really separate us from others. Because one is blessed and fortunate to possess wealth that does not mean the poor does not have personality or individuality, or our wealth and status gives us right to belittle or discard them.  Some times our wealth could make us indifferent to the sufferings and needs of the others. Ingratitude towards the those unfortunate ones who serve us to earn their daily bread does not make us superior to them but it only shows who we are. 
Let us be different in our attitudes, relationships, manner of speaking and communicating. Let us leave an indelible mark on the minds and hearts of people with out positive and approachable attitudes. Let us be different by accepting the other as child of God and respect their rights to be what God has called them to be. 

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