Sunday, October 14, 2018

To Gain Something We have to Lose Something!!!!!!

Every one knows that to have something precious in our lives we need to let go something very close to us. We are attached to some things in our life and we would not like to renounce them because they give us that temporary joy and happiness. Many times we run after many death, money, authority, power and position and for which we work day and night...sometimes sacrifice and compromise our beliefs and religion....because we want to get to the top......

In the Church history we have men and women who have renounced richness and ambitious projects in order to follow their hearts desires and to do the will of God....Vocation given by the Lord is considered as the first choice....following the commandment of God these men and women have become part of the history and God's plan of Salvation...
God called many prophets to be his messengers and they did everything possible in order to be effective instruments of God.....they renounced their families, work and their environment in order to follow the projects of the Lord...

St. Francis encountered the Lord and surrendered totally to the Lord...renounced his family and the bright future that his father could offer him...
He embraced Jesus totally ...gave up earthly wealth in order to possess eternal treasure...eternal life....

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