Saturday, September 22, 2018

What did we Learn from the Animation of Fr Mauro as General Minister

My experience with FR Mauro as general minister for 12 years has been very positive and fruitful He was very fraternal n kind, very good fraternal administrator with a difference. If I ask a question as to what we have learnt from his animation and leadership I would say that many beautiful lessons. Especially to be humble and listen to everyone before taking any decision.  What have learnt from many circular Lesters of him? Has our order benefited from the letter of Mauro on Formation and sense of belonging which were the best ones among the others. But I think the experience of the last chapter would make me say positively yes. The impact of his letters is seen in the entire Order. He has created a flutter and new vision in the Order. Many provinces and individual friars are putting into practice already and the results are marvelous.
The Experienced a life of brotherhood is seen and experienced by all. There are Friars who are already relating and living as true lesser brothers. Brothers are contributing without the tensions and imposing and listening to the others.
The flame of our charisma is truly revived and burning brightly. We need to make all efforts to keep it burning where we are and in whatever we do. This flame can be renewed everyday but danger is that it may be put off by individualism and provincialism. The danger could be the modern society which challenges us to live our vows and charisma in a worthy manner. The obedience to the will of god  will guide us all to be prophets and messengers of God.  For this we may have to go through trouble and sufferings but at the end God the father will welcome us as true and faithful servants.
During these of crisis in the society and Church Our choice should be of fraternity where we live in close union and harmony with each other. Helping one another to be faithful to our goes and spirituality. Our Charism makes us brothers to one another so the age old saying that each brother is a gift. Receive one another as brothers as gift. This journey is difficult but possible. This journey will be good because God will be with us. For our journey to be disciples and sons let us ask Mother Mary’s intercession. Like a disciple John who welcomed her in his home to be his Mother. Let us welcome her in our hearts and fraternities.

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