Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Ratio Formationis is being presented by Prof. Giuseppe M Foggia SDB

  it is only by living that we learn to live. Our experiences and encounters along the way are what constantly shape our identity in a dynamic manner.  to build up the person we are is  an  exciting  challenge,  and  not  without  difficulties.  But  we have  a  model,  Jesus,  who  by  walking  the  paths  of  our  humanity discovered  his own divinity: the Son, by becoming our brother, reveals our ultimate and final goal: to be brothers, only  to  become,  at last, sons and  daughters of  God  as well. Brotherhood is the way. Francis was so fascinated by the humanity and humility of God the Most high, who in Jesus makes himself poor and crucified, that he made the  Gospel our form of life: to be brothers, in order to be more human, like Jesus, and to tell the story through the authenticity of our life lived in brotherhood.

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