Friday, September 28, 2018

Happy Feast to Archangels

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. We are familiar with Michael, the fighter and warrior of God, and with Gabriel, God's messenger to Mary and Zechariah for the birth of their sons.

 The Archangel Raphael, "the Medicine of God," appears in the book of Tobit to heal Tobit from his blindness and to protect Tobias in her marriage to Sara who had been tormented by many devils.

In the first reading from Revelation, we see Michael, God's warrior, defeating Satan and his evil hosts. These struggles against evil forces continue today. The Church teaches against evil and lies. Michael helps protect the Church and all those who live for goodness and truth.

In the Gospel reading, at Jesus' call of his first disciples, we hear Jesus assuring us that angels are at God's bidding, "ascending and descending upon the Son of Man." The angels and archangels help us in our life journey to heaven and the kingdom of God. We are urged to call upon them in our daily lives and in time of need.

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