Monday, July 30, 2018

Jesus allows the tree of our Baptismal grace to grow!!!!!!!!!!

 The two parables that Jesus makes us hear today have a common feature: both highlight the power of divine life in us.
The kingdom of God is comparable to a seed. We have received in baptism this life which makes us the children of God. What has been given to us in the germ already contains all the virtualities that will appear little by little in the course of our lives.
In the two parables we have a hidden reality: the seed has sunk into the earth, the yeast into the flour. This symbolizes the secret nature of the life that has been given to us. To have God created us, in the depths of our being, in his likeness causes us to be sunk and hidden in him, with Christ. Mysterious reality whose fruitfulness depends on our response.

 As the earth has a part in the growth of the seed, as the pasta is formed thanks to the action of the yeast, so we must offer the secret presence of the kingdom in us the cooperation of our faith, our hope and our charity. Then the life of grace develops with an extraordinary power, as the tree in the first parable means and the three measures of flour that make the whole dough rise in the second. The power deployed in this growth testifies to the action of God in his gifts. It is he who works, and his action is all the more evident the more our generosity allows it. Then come the fruits of this growth: here is the tall tree on which all the birds are going to nest, a tree which is a symbol of the Christian apostolate, but also, in a more hidden way, in the communion of saints, of the inextinguishable and mysterious fruitfulness that God grants to his children. These fruits are not necessarily known to men, not even to whom they were granted. In fact they are of the same nature as the seed and often they are also hidden. The birds themselves do not know to which seed they owe their shelter, but they are there and this is enough for them. The Lord, on the other hand, knows us, sees our faith, our desire to become saints, our incapacity to succeed if not by giving ourselves to the inebriating fire of his love. May this Eucharist nurture in us the divine life, thus allowing the tree of our baptismal grace to grow, for the glory of God and the joy of our brothers.

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