Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The talk on Forrmation by Br. Sebastian Chundakattil

Our capuchin life is a life lived in Christ. St. Francis first priority was to observe the gospel way of life.
Constitutions say that formation for the consecrated lie.
1. Meaning of formation
A transformation into image of Christ. Con-formation and transformation of the brothers. Life to be confomed to Christ. Transformation has to take place until Christ and his mentality is formed in us.
Formation involves an inner transformation of attitudes, values, patterns of behavior, tendencies and dispositions.
Formation must be bothe a ministry and a mystery. It a fraternal service offered to the one who wants to transform himself into Christ
Formation involves an inner transformation. It should be integral. Involves all dimensions of human learning.
Active formation demands the cooperation of those being formed who are the principle authors of their own growth.
Formation is not producing an integral person but how to create a climate that flours the development of the candidate in all dimensions.
Formed so are to stimulate, encourage and evaluate the inside proces of growth from outsid. A constant accompaniment of the candidates by the formators.
Formators foster the journey of growth, allows time for the person to assimilate the process
2. Initial formation: it has two phases, initial and ongoing
3. Guiding principles: priority of the gospel brothers, conversion, integration, contetalization and inculturation and unity and continuity.
Mauro:whoever chooses our life chooses first and foremost to become lesser brother.
Renewal programs rom time to time are implemented at very stage of formation
Formation is directed to the integration and assimilation of values and experiences.
Esteem and appreciation of ones own culture is to be instilled in the formers. Such appreciation should find expression in their life-style, dress, prayers, liturgy, patterns of thinking
4..... Areas of formation: human, spiritual, Franciscan, intellectual, formation of mission, formation for apostolate, formation for social integration, formation for cultural development.
For holistic growth human formation is foundation.use freedom in a esponsible manner. Discover and accept themselves, their talents and limitations.

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