Friday, October 30, 2015

JPIC - The Ministry .........Testimony by Br. Benedict and Br. Jim Donnegon

Br. Benedict presented the working of the JPIC in the order....he explained the aim and purpose of the commission and how they go about doing it in the Order, Church and the world at large.
The basis of JPIC in the documents of the Order - Franciscan tradition
The revised constitution Art. 63: 1, 72:4, 147:5
Balanced spirituality. This is what yahweh asks of you, only this: that you act justly, that you love tenderly, that you walk humbly with your God. Micah, ^:8
1. walk humbly with your God: call to religious conversion - personal relationship with God.
2. Love tenderly: call to moral conversion , which deals with interpersonal relationship
3. walk humbly: call to political conversion, and speaks of moral matters in the sphere of public political life. 
Ecological compassion......
why justice peace and integrity of creation: restoring right relations with oneself, others, creation and God.\
Identifying and responding to the signs of times.
making a preferential option for the poor
dealing with the cause of injustice and not just the consequence.
we seek to enlighten our capuchin friars as well as people of God, about issues of national and international justice, development, human rights, peace and the integrity of creation.
solidarity with the poor...calls for concrete expressions of fraternal issues.
JPIC is part of our DNA: as way of being , style of life which desires to respond to great projects of humanity. 
we pray, we play we work...
A JPIC method of working
Analyze the reality and what is happening
make known the teachings of the church, capuchin charism and the signs of the times....
see justice: Human rights, just wages fro our workers, extreme poverty. Responsible investment, Human trafficking
see judge and act....
Ecology Ladauto SII: the goal of the document in this encyclical i would like to enter into dialogue with all people about our common home
a call for a change in lifestyle and consumption....a call to conversion

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