Friday, October 9, 2015

Conversion and Change is possible

This morning the first reading invited all of us repent in order to receive the grace and to be in the Light of God. Many of us do try and succeed to repent and change of our lives and attitudes. The conversion process begins well with a retreat or a seminar. It goes on well for some time and then we fall back to our original self. Many don't understand the reason for it. Many then begin trying other methods of changing their lives in order to be happy and live better human lives. The problem most of us undergo is that we don't believe and accept the mercy and compassion of God. We really don't work on ourselves and try to be firm in moments of temptations. 

The weakness is then exposed to the evil spirit which takes control of our lives. Once the spiritual strength is exhausted then we fall back to our original self and ways of living our human lives. Today, in the world many struggle to make a comeback because they lack self-confidence and inner energy and spirit. It is all possible and we do have examples in the Bible and in the Church. Many saints have proved it that it is possible to convert and live a reconciled life provided we are willing to hand over ourselves to the Lord. He re-fashions and re-moulds us when we allow ourselves to be touched and moulded. 

Repentance will happen when we accept that we have done wrong. Change will come soon if we accept that we have taken a different path than the one shown by God and our parents and good people. Change and repentance is nothing but to be united with ourselves. We need to get reconciled with ourselves first. We need to accept who we are. Many of us have things and richness but we don't have the basic things which promote change and conversion. The Lord invites every moment to unite and have union with him, He then doesn't go away from us but dwells and remains in us. We are frightened to bring about changes in life because we have to make a big sacrifices. It costs a big. We don't want to let it go, because we are used to one type of life which makes us happy for short period and then we know the dryness that it brings in our lives. We need to amend our ways which takes us away from our community, family, friends and God' love. Let us ask God be our companion in our journey of conversion. It is possible if we accept ourselves.....we all can lead a peaceful and serene lives provided we are willing to let go.......let go those things which enslave us......which makes us less human......Be human.....let us see and experience God in others and in our relationships....

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