Friday, April 3, 2015

Prayeful and inspiring Way of the Cross

 around two thousand people for the way of the cross in this small town called Piove di sacco near Padova.....around 6km.....young and old...walking...singing and participating in the passion of the Lord...
 All gathered around an Old is one of the oldest churches around here....all the pictures and statues do speak about being old Church
 This woman's family has been looking after this church.....her family members have been sacristans all through the generations

 The scouts led the procession
 The altar girls and boys ...all dressed up and joining the procession with devotion and faith...
 Going through the city streets....some of the families kept small lamps outside their houses...
 At one piazza there was a live enacting.....and st. Francis and St. Clare were shown contemplating on the passion of the Lord
 The town has few old buildings of Roman culture...

 Another scene enacted by another Parish...there were five parishes coming together every year to organize this traditional way of the Cross

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