Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Morning session of the General council meeting

After yesterday's visit to Loretto and a beautiful celebration over there, the General Minister and other Friars returned last evening back to Curia....Yesterday the whole day it rained....not heavy but heavy enough here in Rome...The climate was just good enough....This morning it is sunny and rains expected but it is humid here....we began the session with Brothers Luis Eduardo, the outgoing economo and Br. Alejandro, incoming Economo. We spoke about economy and other finance related was good meeting with them..
 The second half of the meeting was dedicated to the reports of the conferences and visits to the Missions....Hugo presented a report on Georgia and North East India.....It was well animated and some clarification and information was sought....
Luis is a man of numbers....he can tell you any number.....signaling at Alejandro.....he is the friar....who now will be well sought after...

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