Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Morning session on Woman at the Well

 The preacher explaining the episode of smaritan woman at the Well....he connected with the episodes from the Old Testament
 Second Day Morning session
·      Woman at the well
·      Rebecca gives water to the Camel…woman is very generous….had quality of becoming great…Isaac is fallen in love….he is a person who is weak….always in therapy all through his life….man who is weak but at the same time patriarch….holiness is not measured by external output but the capacity ….
·      Jacob moves to the well…..well can mean a woman Rebecca or womb, posterity or fertility…
·      The vow of chastity is not something that says that sex is bad or negative so we give up….no it is sacred and holy…
·      Jesus at the well……not comes because he has thirst….come to see his spouse….a marriage with God through Jesus….why did she come to well at midday….for conversation…….Jesus asked for water and she evades…Jesus dirties his hands by talking to the woman
·      Water which gives life or water which runs…
·      I can make water emerge in your heart….she requests this water
·      Jesus reveals to woman how much God loves her….
·      In gospel of John Jesus has to die on the cross to demonstrate how much God loves us.
·      Cross is the sacrament of what God has always been wanting to show to humans….love and mercy in spit of our sins…..
·      Look in the mirror and see yourself  and say how much Jesus loves you…
·      Adam and Eve after sins…there is a separation between them and God, Nature,,,,but Love fills the gap…
·      The woman after having experienced being loved by Jesus she reveals many things but before she was hiding
·      She becomes the first missionary of the Gospel…..she experienced love which allowed her to convert
·      There are so many in the society who are invisible who need our love and compassion
·      We need to thank God for the gift of poor who gives us the possibility to serve them
·      The woman had many gods, so we too have many gods in our life
·      Book called: Addiction and Grace by Gerald May
·      Everyone has many things to depend on….every one has at least 10 things to depend on…..if not we have the habit to depend on lies…
·      Love which changes the life
 Friars listen and take notes

 All agree to what the preacher said.....
 Francis clarifies his doubt

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