Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Second session of the Meeting - Fatima

CIMCAP: Francisco
·      The renewal among the friars in Italy
·      He narrated various activities that are part of the renewal of the capuchin charism in various provinces
·      The collaboration on the level of Formation
·      There is a collaboration on the level of the secretariat where they organize various activities
·      Formation of the formators is taken as a big step for the renewal, besides this the formation of the guardians and the treasurers is also a priority
·      There are vocations in Italy compared to other religious orders and congregation.
·      Many unification of the Provinces in Italy
·      The big challenges are: the provincialism, immigration, the loss of jobs and economical crisis, the diminishing the number of capuchins, the re-dimension of the presence and work of the capuchins, the fraternal collaboration international, the economically provinces are becoming weak as the donors are less,
·      The big challenge is how to face and tackle all these challenges mentioned above.

 CIC: Benjamino
·      He gave a birds eye view about the conference and the number, activities and organizational structures, oldest provinces in the Order, 
·      Meetings with the guardian and formees are regular
·      Certain areas of concern are: fraternal life and formation
·      The challenges that are presented by the Holy Father are studied and reflected in our conference
·      We must re-discover the fraternal dimension and contemplative nature of the Order
·      Economic crisis is a big challenges as many families need social support
·      Non stressing the non clerical dimension of the Order
·      Provinces in Spain have tried to be beyond provincialism
·      A former friary is now converted into a hotel for the pilgrims to Santiago
·      Human formation and education among the brothers, who are afraid to meet and see each other
·      Renewing ourselves personally and individually
·      Local chapters and provincial plans are the means to animate the brothers
·      Challenges: humbly come closer to elderly people, sometimes we live separate like monks, a big separation and we need to work harder to open ourselves to people, putting people and gospel into contact, capuchin order has been very close to the people,
·      Relationship among the brothers is not prophetic, people are expecting us to live brotherhood and have good relationship
·      The challenge is to give value to our fraternity and bond, prayer, sense of belonging, the general’s letter is very timely
·      Do we connect to local fraternity
·      Brothers who possess
·      Establishment of open fraternities where open dialogue is needed
·      Our relationships among ourselves
·      Passion for our vocation
·      Difficulties: dropping in the numbers and dying friars
·      Mutual collaboration among the province to be promoted
 CECOC: Angel ; he narrated challenges and difficulties
·      Friars are trying to give more space for prayer
·      Involvement with the poor
·      Friars available for mission
·      General’s letter has created more interest in living a genuine interest in the provinces
·      Lot of pastoral work is done
·      The capuchin spirituality is given top priority
·      There is a group of friars who live like itinerant 
·      Friars who have psychological and spiritual problems
·      Challenges: a reading of the word of God needs to be practice
·      How to find balance between fraternal and pastoral life, too much of pastoral activities debar the friars from fraternity activities
·      Prayer life
·      Individualism and personal projects
·      Difficulties to find proper guardians, we need qualified friars to be appointed, social media of communication, many hooked to internet and time for the community and prayer

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