Sunday, August 24, 2014

I build my Fraternity everyday

It is true that we can build our fraternity every with trust and love for each other. Today we keep repeating that i love God with whole of my heart and soul but we find difficult to love our brothers with whom we live and move around. We cannot love God if we do not love our brothers. What is more, we love God only when we acknowledge and love him in the brothers in Fraternity. This is a first step to build our fraternities as schools of communion. Jesus calls, invites and motivates us to give up a little bit of our ego and selfishness in order to love and build the fraternities, HE wants that we let charity take over the smallest and biggest things in our capuchin fraternity. Let us not make differences and distinctions among us which could be hampering and destroying our Brotherhood. Each one of us is gifted and talented to contribute in our own way and according to our personal gifts to make grow our fraternity and bond. So that our community may be “the home and the school of communion”.
Jesus is reminding us that he has chosen and anointed us for his glory and in today's world he wants to reflect and re-think about our  daily commitment to self-renewal through attitudes such as these:
- In order to build a fraternity we need to control many our attitudes and behaviour patterns. Negative reactions over a remark or attitude of the friars create tensions and rifts. We need to dialogue in a peaceful manner, avoiding tensions through self-control. we will have to find ways and means to make our brothers grow in Capuchin spirit and allow them to be in the process of renewal. 
- Brothers will have speak good about each other, no character assassination should take place in the fraternity. So much of condemnation by members who take the place of a judge hiding his own faults and weaknesses. 
- Show openness and be attentive to all in the fraternity, which presupposes a heart that discerns and sees brothers needs.
- There is no big and small friar in fraternity, no bossing over by the authority which could hamper the process of reconciliation and peace. encourage dialogue with erring members which can solve many of our problems.
- Give rise to joy and humor. Fraternal moments when it feels good to be together are precious. Forgoing such moments, not giving them all the attention they call for, stems from individualism.
- Stop turning over resentments, forever nursing unresolved conflicts and entertaining hidden rivalries that undermine the atmosphere of peace and of joy in our fraternities.

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