Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Blessing of a New Parlour at Giovanni Rotondo

The blessing of a renovated parlor of the Friary of Giovanni Rotondo where Padre Lived and died. This is the parlor where he received penitents initially. This is the parlor where many holy friars welcomed people distressed and troubled, poor and rich alike. The old door and passage was not so good so they decided to repair and renovate it completely. It looks very nice but simple. The afternoon at 12pm the provincial minister along with many friars and collaborators joined for the blessing. The short reflection offered by the provincial was inspiring. He said that the parlor is the face of the friary and any one coming to the friary comes to the home of prayerful and spiritual men seeking solace and comfort. He reminded that the friary is the home of the friars who live like a  family and in this family others too are welcomed through this main door. He even said that in the order many friars who served people through the service as porters. Some of them have become saints through their charitable and loving service. What an occasion and chance for all of us to be the mouthpiece of Jesus Christ and messengers of St. Francis of Assisi through the service of being a porter.
We need to keep our friaries open for those who need spiritual and psychological help. Today there are many who come knocking on our doors and sometimes we don't even answer them. Let our friaries be places of prophetic exchange. 

 Michael, the famous Santa Clause in the USA. He spends few months every year here in Giovanni Rotondo. He is a spiritual and very fraternal person. I know him since 10 years and every time i meet I am inspired by his life. He is devotee of Padre Pio.
 The Old Friary refectory is being used now as the other one is undergoing some repair works
 The Body of Padre Pio is now exposed and one can have a clear view of the Body. Many people come and stand for a long time, asking him to intercede.

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